Sew Along Entry Form

Sew Along Entry Form

Sew Along Entry Form


• Sign up using entry form below.


• Everyone with a Sew Along project is welcome to bring it with them to the presentation (worn or on a hanger). At the end of the presentation, Lindsey will invite you to stand to show off your garment. You will have the opportunity to say a few words about your project if you'd like.


• Check in at the Registration Desk when you arrive on Thursday for FREE admission.


• The presentation will begin promptly at 12:00 PM on Thursday. Any photographs or video taken may be used for promotional purposes.


*An asterisk indicates a required field.

After you click SUBMIT, if you are NOT transferred to the "Thank You" screen, please scroll up this page and look for any messages asking for missing information or corrections.


Thank you to these fine companies who provide continued support.