THROW BACK is a beginner-friendly quilt pattern, meant to teach you the basics of quilting while also building on your serger skills!
The quilt is made entirely out of quilt backing - which I realize is a little crazy, but also super fun! Quilt backings or “wideback” fabrics are typically 105" - 120" wide. We will be cutting these wide fabrics into long strips that you will then run through your serger, creating super long strips to be cut down into your quilt blocks. The reason for choosing this type of fabric is two-fold.
For those of you new to serging, this is an excellent opportunity to get comfortable using this type of machine by sewing in long stretches. Second, I wanted those of you who are new to quilting to get experience working with backing fabrics and seeing all the wonderful prints that exist and can be used for more than just quilt backing.
Join us for an afternoon of creativity and fun as we create the beautiful THROW BACK quilt.
Materials fee: pattern
Bring your own fabric; see the supply list below for details.