Sweet Spring Embroidered Sweaters (BYOF) (MDB) - 3/12/2025 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Lakeland, FL

Sweet Spring Embroidered Sweaters (BYOF) (MDB)
Teacher: Pattie Otto
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Code(s): MDB305X, MDB365X Hands on Workshop
Lakeland - RP Funding Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 6
Price Per Session (before discount): $29.00
Materials Fee: $37.00

Welcome springtime with a gorgeous sweater or twin set that you've custom embroidered with whimsical flowers, blossoms and a busy butterfly. Pattie willl teach you to embroider these on a classic button front sweater as you learn easy stabilizing and hooping methods without damaging the sweater.


Pattie has the easy placement techniques and the proper toppers to use for these fine-knit sweater fabrics. Knits are one of Pattie's specialties. The class will also discuss the best embroidery designs to choose, stabilizer-fails to avoid, fabric nuances to adjust for, and sew much more.


Materials fee: Flower Whimsy Embroidery Designs from Great Copy Patterns, Machine Embroidery on Sweaters booklet on Flash Drive and designs, cut away mesh-type stabilizer (white, ivory, black, Pattie may have other pastel colors available), adhesives and water soluble templates.


About "More the Day Before"

Immerse yourself in an all-day workshop before the Expo opens. Share in the guidance, artistry, technical advice and inspiration your expert teacher brings to the classroom.

PLUS...your MDB registration qualifies you for a Value Package, which includes discounted pricing on your MDB class sessions AND any additional Expo class sessions, 2 free General Admission tickets and a free shopping bag!

Classroom opens at 8:30, instruction begins at 9:00, and your fees include a re-energizing lunch to carry you through until 5:00. If you have any dietary restrictions, please email info@sewingexpo.com or call 800-699-6309 as soon as you register for class.






In the Pfaff Embroidery Studio sponsored by Fabric Warehouse
  • Student Maximum: 20
  • Category(ies): Machine Embroidery, Just for Fun, Stretch Your Creativity
  • Experience Level:
    • Advanced Beginner
  • Advance Prep:

    If you have any dietary restrictions, please email info@sewingexpo.com or call 800-699-6309 as soon as you register for class.

  • Supply List:
    • Scissors
    • Seam Ripper
    • Tweezers
    • Paper scissors
    • Embroidery Thread (rayon or poly sheen): One or two shades of green, two shades of at least 3 other colors. See the ideas shown or use your own color palate.
    • Bobbin weight thread to match the sweater color. (White, black and Ivory are available)
    • Flash Drive/Memory Stick
    • Optional: Blunt tipped double bent scissors


    • Cardigan Style Sweater or Twin Set: cotton/acrylic/blend only, NO WOOL. Fine or light gauge, flat weave, NO cables, ribbed, waffle or other textures. No need to pre-wash sweaters. Questions? Contact Pattie at info@greatcopy.com.
  • Completion Level:
    • Most will complete 100% of the project
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