Exquisite Paper Piecing with Sulky - 3/14/2025 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Lakeland, FL

Exquisite Paper Piecing with Sulky
Teacher: Eric Drexler
Friday, March 14, 2025
8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Code(s): H123X, J139 Hands on Workshop
Lakeland - RP Funding Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 3
Price Per Session (before discount): $29.00
Materials Fee: $22.00

Paper piecing is the easy way to get perfect looking quilt blocks. If you have paper piecing experience or not, Eric will show you how to make it even easier with his secrets, and bit less messy with a few Sulky products that make it effortless.


Eric will also cover threads, batting, needles, and other gadgets that help. After you learn these simple steps and tricks you can be on your way to more intricate quilt blocks.The options are endless with paper piecing because it's a fast and accurate way to make tops for all sorts of projects from table runners and placemats to baby and bed quilts.



In the Juki Straight Stitch Studio sponsored by Tops Sewing and Vacuum
  • Student Maximum: 20 (3 seats left)
  • Category(ies): Piecing Techniques
  • Experience Level:
    • Beginner
  • Supply List:
    • No supplies needed
  • Completion Level:
    • Most will complete 100% of the project
Thank you to these fine companies who provide continued support.