It Fits You to a Tee: Knit Pullover Fitting Techniques - 9/29/2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Fredericksburg, VA

It Fits You to a Tee: Knit Pullover Fitting Techniques
Teacher: Pattie Otto
Friday, September 29, 2023
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Code(s): M178
Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 1
Price Per Session (before discount): $29.00

Knit pullovers and dresses are the staple of many wardrobes and come in a wide variety of styles. Whether you relax in your favorite cotton tee, pull on a fitted knit tunic over leggings or slip into your best knit dress for a dinner date, there are a few fitting techniques that will help customize the fit of your favorite style. Consider how hem length flatters your figure, whether narrow shoulders need some attention, where hip curves fall and how to add a bust dart without adding a traditional dart. You will have your knits fitting and flattering in no time!

  • Category(ies): Rookies and Refreshers, Experienced Sewers, Fashion Sewing, Fashion Fit and Construction
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