Get Boxed! A Tale of Boxing Corners - 8/3/2024 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Dallas, TX

Get Boxed! A Tale of Boxing Corners
Teacher: Amanda Gerard
Saturday, August 3, 2024
10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Code(s): R241
Irving Convention Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 1
Price Per Session (before discount): $29.00

Ever get tired of your corners not matching up properly? Looking for more consistency in boxing the corners of your bags? Join Amanda as she teaches you how to achieve perfect symmetry with some helpful tips and tricks when it comes to boxing corners. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to flawless boxed corners every time!


  • Category(ies): Accessories, Streamlined Sewing, Crafting, Piecing Techniques
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