Frame Up - 8/18/2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Dallas, TX

Frame Up
Teacher: Jim Suzio
Friday, August 18, 2023
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Code(s): M178
Irving Convention Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 1
Price Per Session (before discount): $29.00

So, you just got your first embroidery machine (and/or new set of embroidery designs) and you have been stitching away but what to do with all the amazing designs you have stitched? Turn those stitched-out embroidery samples, that you worked so hard on, into something beautiful. Discover how simple it is to add a fabric mat to frame a design as well as make its presentation larger. You can shape it into a pillow, turn it into a wall hanging, or make a table runner. Once you learn a few tricks, the possibilities are endless!

  • Category(ies): Rookies and Refreshers, Machine Embroidery, Gift Items, Fashion Sewing, Stretch Your Creativity
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