Name a quilting trend that was all the rage in the late 1800s. The Crazy Quilt, made with atypical shapes, mismatched fabrics, then stitched together with elaborate embroidery. As an antique dealer, Nancy Sander decided to create her own heirloom as a wedding gift for her son. See Nancy's quilt, pieced by hand with 74 different embroidery stitches, in this incredible one-of-a-kind lecture workshop. Promising loads of laughter and creative inspiration, you will be delighted by Nancy's stories as you learn the process, plus the meaningful words and symbols she sewed into her quilt.
Next, imagine choosing from bins of vintage fabrics, lace and trims to design your own crazy quilt block! Nancy is bringing her collection so you can stitch a 12-inch block following her technique. Fall crazy in love making your own piece of textile art.
Class kit includes: 12 x 12" muslin block, reprint of vintage embroidery stitches (circa 1940), plus antique fabric swatches, lace, and rick rack.