The Holiday Amaryllis - 4/5/2025 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Cleveland, OH

The Holiday Amaryllis
Teacher: Jim Suzio
Saturday, April 5, 2025
12:30 PM-3:30 PM
Code(s): S263, T279X Hands on Workshop
Cleveland - IX Center
Pricing Information
Session Value: 3
Price Per Session (before discount): $25.00
Materials Fee: $32.00

A continuation of Jim's "blooming in the hoop series," the Holiday Amaryllis is the second entry in the series where you will not only create a three-dimensional floral design but assemble it in the hoop as well! Once created, it will bloom open for a unique tea light accessory for your holiday enjoyment. As an interactive embroidery design, you will learn that your machine can do more than just embroider a towel.  

Attendees will learn Jim's layering technique to create the double-sided petals that will be layered in the hoop to construct the three-dimensional embroidery design that when stored, can collapse and stored flat when not on display.


In the Husqvarna Viking Embroidery Studio sponsored by Viking Sewing Gallery
  • Student Maximum: 20
  • Category(ies): Rookies and Refreshers, Machine Embroidery, Stretch Your Creativity
  • Prerequisite:
    • Basic embroidery machine knowledge
  • Supply List:
    • Basic Embroidery Supplies
    • SHARP Fabric Trimming Scissors
    • Thread Snips
    • LARGE EYE Needle (like for yarn)
    • Anything You Cannot Sew or Embroider Without


    To ensure supplies can be returned to you, please label everything with your name and email.

  • Completion Level:
    • Most will complete 100% of the project
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