Openings and Closings - 7/17/2021 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Cleveland, OH

Openings and Closings
Teacher: Rae Cumbie
Saturday, July 17, 2021
10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Code(s): R241
John S. Knight Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 1
Price Per Session (before discount): $23.00

Whether you want closures that are minimal and virtually invisible or decorative openings that make a statement, this trunk show will get you thinking creatively about this essential element of garment sewing. Consider how and where your closures will be incorporated into your designs and what sorts of hardware or softer elements you need to make the closure work. See how changing a closure can quickly update a tired treasure in your closet. You will never think of garment openings the same way again.

  • Category(ies): Fashion Sewing, Garment Style and Design, Fashion Fit and Construction, Sewing Efficiencies
Thank you to these fine companies who provide continued support.