Fine Tailored Welt Pockets - 10/12/2024 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Cincinnati, OH

Fine Tailored Welt Pockets
Teacher: Jim Suzio
Saturday, October 12, 2024
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Code(s): Q226X
Sharonville Convention Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 1
Price Per Session (before discount): $25.00
Materials Fee: $7.00

Explore the art of pocket construction in this comprehensive workshop where you'll learn step-by-step processes, techniques, and a variety of creative options to elevate your sewing projects. 


Led by our expert instructor, this class delves into the fundamental steps of pocket construction. From understanding pattern placement and cutting to assembling and attaching pockets seamlessly, you'll gain practical skills that enhance the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your garments. 

  • Category(ies): Rookies and Refreshers, Fashion Sewing, Garment Style and Design
  • Supply List:

    Basic sewing supplies

    Metal Hem Gauge

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