Embroidered Temari Chrysanthemum - 3/8/2025 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Atlanta, GA

Embroidered Temari Chrysanthemum
Teacher: Jill McCloy
Saturday, March 8, 2025
12:00 PM-3:30 PM
Code(s): S259X, T275X Hands on Workshop
Atlanta - Gas South Convention Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 3
Price Per Session (before discount): $29.00
Materials Fee: $28.00

In Japan, Temari means hand ball. What an understatement. Temari are beautiful, creative hand embroideries in the round and are treasured as special gifts of friendship and respect. The traditional rice hull ball and rattle will first be created. You will learn to divide the ball into sections using a narrow strip of paper and (yippee!) no math. The sections are highlighted with metallic thread such as Cresta d'Oro and the lovely Chrysanthemum design stitched, then highlighted with a pretty wrapped and couched obi. Many samples will be on display to inspire. Jill began temari in 1985, studying under Kazuko Yamamoto, a respected temari master from Tokyo, Japan.



  • Student Maximum: 24
  • Category(ies): Crafting, Embellishment, Fashion Fit and Construction, Stretch Your Creativity, Sewing Fundamentals
  • Experience Level:
    • All Skills Welcome
  • Advance Prep:
    • Skeins must be opened and wrapped around a card or spool.
    • Please don't waste class time for this.
  • Supply List:
    • 1 Cone Serger Thread in desired base color
    • 3 to 4 Skeins #5 Pearl Cotton for Embroidery
    • Scrap Yarn Lightweight- Your choice of color
    • Glass Head Pins
  • Completion Level:
    • Most will complete 75% or more
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