The Art of Stripping (BYOF) (MDB) - 3/8/2023 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Atlanta, GA

The Art of Stripping (BYOF) (MDB)
Teacher: Jill McCloy
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Code(s): MDB307X, MDB367X Hands on Workshop
Atlanta - Gas South Convention Center
Check at Expo for availability
Pricing Information
Session Value: 8
Price Per Session (before discount): $23.00
Materials Fee: $14.00

Using basic shapes and minimal measurements, you will design and make a one-of-a-kind jacket. Once the design is finalized, you will join strips of lovely rayons to create a unique fabric for your base. Vary the fabric widths to add interest. You can even bring some pre-embroidered swatches to include. Choose to join with visible or hidden rolled edge or flatlock with decorative threads. With a simple folding technique, you can even add pockets. Best of all it is all done on the serger. Use your favorite pin as a closure or leave it open. The sample was made with SewBatik® rayons and Diane of SewBatik® is ready to help you put your fabrics together for a beautiful garment. Bring your own fabric; see supply list for details.


About "More the Day Before"
Immerse yourself in an all-day workshop before the Expo opens. Share in the guidance, artistry, technical advice and inspiration your expert teacher brings to the classroom.

PLUS...your MDB registration qualifies you for a Value Package, which includes discounted pricing on your MDB class sessions AND any additional Expo class sessions, 3 free General Admission tickets and a free shopping bag!

Classroom opens at 8:30, instruction begins at 9:00, and your fees include a re-energizing lunch to carry you through until 5:00. If you have any dietary restrictions, please email or call 800-699-6309 as soon as you register for class. 


In the Juki Serger Studio sponsored by Southeast Sewing
  • Student Maximum: 20
  • Category(ies): Art to Wear, Just for Fun, More the Day Before, Fashion Sewing, Piecing Techniques, Garment Style and Design, Fashion Fit and Construction, Experience the Serger, Stretch Your Creativity
  • Experience Level:

    All welcome.

  • Advance Prep:

    Note: Classroom opens at 8:30, instruction begins at 9:00, and your fees include a re-energizing lunch to carry you through until 5:00. If you have any dietary restrictions, please email or call 800-699-6309 as soon as you register for class.

  • Supply List:

    Chalk or other fabric marker; straight pins and/or binding clips; water soluble hem tape and/or glue stick; scissors; tape measure; pencil with eraser; yard stick; rotary cutter with new blade and 6 x 18-inch rotary ruler. Optional: a few pre-embroidered or focus fabric pieces. Note: Rotary cutting mats will be available in the classroom.


    Fabric requirements:

    2—3 yds. Main fabric; 3 to 4—½ to ¾ yd. pieces contrasting fabrics; I highly recommend "Sew Batik" rayons at for beautiful quality, beautiful drape, and beautiful design, that way we will both know you got the "right" fabric. Sew Batik rayon is not, however, required. Thread to match or the following colors will be available for classroom use: black, white, ecru, gray.

    Note: You know your body and how you like your fit. Bring extra fabric if you prefer a looser fit.

  • Completion Level:

    You should wear your garment at the end of class.

Thank you to these fine companies who provide continued support.